MInteg are committed to the environment, health and safety of all industries we are associated to. Our safety record is testimony to this and is an achievement that all our personnel are proud to be part of.

Maintaining outstanding Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) performance is a core value of MInteg Limited. Our successful HSE performance has been made possible through the leadership and teamwork of all employees. Our HSE responsibilities are directed by our HSE Vision, Policy, Strategy and Management System, which guide our businesses in the development of their HSE processes.

  • Proactive – Employees actively engaging in safety initiatives, recognising and reinforcing a proactive safety culture
  • Responsibility – Take responsibility for the care of others and ourselves
  • Prevention – Focus on accident prevention rather than reaction
  • Accountability – Management at all levels accountable for ensuring HSE expectations are understood and demonstrated by the team
  • Leadership – Active, visible safety leadership and ensuring safety is given the highest priority at all times
  • Foster an injury free work place for our employees
  • Make educated common sense approaches to HSE in doing business as second nature to our employees
  • Ensure that MInteg provides a work environment that is safe for its employees, visitors and eliminate unwanted or unplanned occurrences
  • Create a culture of continuous improvement that yields a favourable HSE Recordable Incident Rate through safe practice implementation
  • Establish an overall employee HSE focus that enhances our status, as the provider of choice, in all of our business activities.